January 7, 2024

Behind the Scenes: My Personal Journey in Television Interviews on Immigration

As an immigration attorney at Quiroga Law Office, PLLC, I have had the privilege of sharing my experience and knowledge on various television platforms. Some of these have been on Univision, Telemundo, KIII 3NEWS in South Texas, among others. Each appearance has been a milestone in my career and in my mission to inform and educate about immigration in the United States. Today, I want to take you behind the scenes and share the process of preparation, the emotions involved, and the importance of delivering accurate and valuable information.

Rigorous Preparation:

Each television interview is the result of a rigorous preparation process, which begins long before stepping into the studio. Daily, I dedicate hours to studying immigration laws and policies, keeping up to date with the latest developments and judicial decisions. This preparation is not just academic; it also draws from my personal and professional experience, allowing me to speak with authority and empathy.

Memorable Experiences:

  • Univision - Keys to Success: Here, I shared my personal story, the challenges I faced, and how I overcame them to become a lawyer. Preparing for this interview was an emotional journey, remembering the struggles and resilience necessary to succeed in such a complex field.

You can watch the interview here: Claves del éxito en entrevista con Univisión - Quiroga Law Office, PLLC

  • KIII 3NEWS South Texas - The Future of SB4 Law: This interview focused on a technical and highly political topic. It required a detailed analysis of the law and its implications on the border, making sure to present the facts in a clear and understandable way.

You can watch the interview here: El futuro de la Ley SB4 en la frontera: ¿Qué se espera? - Quiroga Law Office, PLLC

  • Telemundo - Asylum in the U.S.: Speaking about asylum was particularly emotional. Preparing meant reviewing not only the laws but also the human stories behind them, which allowed me to convey not just information, but also compassion and understanding.

You can watch the interview here: Asilo en Estados Unidos: ¿Cuántos inmigrantes lo logran? - Quiroga Law Office, PLLC

Each television appearance brings a whirlwind of emotions: the excitement of sharing knowledge, the anxiety of speaking in front of millions, and the responsibility of providing truthful and up-to-date information. The satisfaction of knowing that I am contributing to a better understanding of immigration issues compensates for any previous nervousness.

Un hombre con un traje de color negro con letras blancas Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza media

These interviews are more than just media appearances; they are opportunities to educate, inform, and, in many cases, offer hope. My daily commitment to preparation and study ensures that every word I share on screen is not only informative, but also a reflection of my passion and dedication to justice and the defense of immigrants. In a world where misinformation is common, I take this responsibility with the utmost respect and seriousness, always committed to being a reliable and empathetic source in the field of immigration.

#Interviews #Television #Univision #Telemundo KIII 3NEWS

Detrás de las Cámaras: Mi Viaje Personal en las Entrevistas Televisivas sobre Inmigración
Más Allá del Conocimiento Legal: Una Visión Profunda de la Práctica de la Ley
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