August 11, 2024

I Didn’t Like Cooking, but Now I Love It: My Story as an Immigrant

When I arrived in the United States, cooking was not exactly one of my favorite activities. In fact, it seemed like a tedious and complicated task. However, over time, that perception changed radically. Today, I want to share my story about how it went from being an obligation to becoming a passion. 

The Beginning of My Culinary Journey 

My arrival in this country was not easy. As an immigrant, I faced many challenges, from adapting to a new culture to learning a new language. Food, however, was always an anchor that connected me to my roots. But, in those early days, cooking was more of a necessity than a pleasure. I often missed the flavors of my home country and felt frustrated at not being able to replicate them adequately in my new kitchen. The recipes I knew didn’t taste the same with local ingredients, and the techniques were difficult to master without proper guidance. 

In those first months, my diet consisted mainly of fast food and pre-cooked meals. I didn’t have the motivation or time to prepare elaborate meals. The stress of adapting to a new life, finding a job, and settling into a new environment made cooking a low priority. However, as my nostalgia for the flavors of my homeland grew, I began to feel an increasing need to recover that aspect of my life. Thus began my slow but steady journey into the culinary world. 

Learning from Others 

One of the pivotal moments in my relationship with cooking was meeting Doña Carmen, a Colombian neighbor who lived in my building. Doña Carmen had arrived in the United States over 20 years ago and was an expert in adapting traditional recipes with the ingredients available here. She taught me tricks and techniques that helped me improve my cooking skills. Spending time in her kitchen, watching and learning, not only improved my cooking but also made me feel part of a community. Her teachings were invaluable, and her patience infinite. 

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Doña Carmen not only taught me recipes but also helped me understand the importance of cooking as an act of love and connection. I learned to value the preparation process as much as the final result. Every visit to her home was a lesson, not just in cooking, but in life. I realized that cooking could be a bridge between generations and cultures, a way to share and preserve our heritage. These experiences gave me a new perspective and made me appreciate the art of cooking even more. 

Cooking as a Means of Integration 

Cooking also helped me better integrate into American society. Participating in community events and bringing dishes from my country was a way to share my culture and open dialogues with people from different backgrounds. Food has the power to unite people and create bridges between cultures. By sharing my recipes, I also received the taste of other cultures in return, further enriching my culinary experience. Cooking became a universal language that facilitated my integration and helped me build new friendships. 

Additionally, these experiences allowed me to discover new recipes and cooking techniques from other cultures. Attending potlucks and cultural events in my community gave me the opportunity to try and learn about foods from around the world. Each culinary exchange taught me something new and made me feel more connected to the people around me. Cooking stopped being just a domestic activity and became a tool for integration and personal enrichment. 

Cooking as Therapy 

Over time, cooking became a form of therapy for me. After a long and stressful day, entering the kitchen and preparing a delicious meal became a way to relax and disconnect. The concentration required to follow a recipe and the pleasure of seeing the final result provided me with a satisfaction I did not expect. Cooking became my refuge, a space where I could be creative and express myself. It was a moment when I could set aside daily worries and focus on something I truly enjoyed. 

A person standing in a kitchen with a red pot of food Description automatically generated

This therapeutic aspect of cooking also had a positive impact on my emotional well-being. The repetition of culinary tasks, the aroma of fresh ingredients, and the act of creating something with my own hands helped me reduce stress and find a sense of calm. Cooking became a form of active meditation, a time for myself where I could reconnect with my thoughts and feelings. This regular practice helped me maintain emotional balance and face daily challenges with a more positive attitude. 

Reflecting on the Journey 

Looking back, it’s incredible to see how much I’ve changed. What started as an obligation has transformed into one of my greatest passions. Cooking has not only allowed me to connect with my roots and family but also given me a way to integrate and share my culture with others. Every dish I prepare tells a part of my story as an immigrant, a story of adaptation, learning, and love. Cooking has taught me that, with patience and dedication, we can transform our perceptions and find joy in the most unexpected places. 

Today, I can proudly say that I love cooking. Every recipe I prepare is a testament to my journey, the challenges I’ve overcome, and the lessons I’ve learned. Cooking has given me much more than I expected: it has provided a way to express my creativity, connect with my family and culture, and find a sense of peace and satisfaction. I am grateful for this journey and for everything cooking has brought into my life. And I hope to continue exploring, learning, and enjoying this wonderful culinary art. 

#immigration #cooking #passion #culture #integration #family

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