January 6, 2024

Tags: 9th Circuit, Sandra Day O’Connor, Phoenix, Delays in Immigration.

The Struggle of Quiroga Law Office, PLLC in the 9th Circuit: Demanding Answers for Delays in Immigration Procedures

In an act of passionate defense for the rights of immigrants, accompanied by Attorney Maria Quiroga and representing Quiroga Law Office, PLLC, we attended the Sandra Day O’Connor court in Phoenix to face a significant legal challenge. Our goal: to sue the United States government for excessive delays in the immigration processes of our clients, a fight that resonated within the walls of the 9th Circuit.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have observed with increasing concern how the waiting times for our clients’ immigration cases extended beyond what is reasonable. Although the global health crisis presented unprecedented challenges, the prolongation of these delays has continued to affect the lives of countless individuals and families. With the pandemic now receding, the U.S. government continued to shield itself behind it to justify the delays, which prompted us to take legal action.

The Argument in Court

In the heart of Phoenix, the Sandra Day O’Connor court witnessed our firm stance. We argued that the maintenance of these extensive delays is unjustified and violates the rights of our clients. The government has failed to meet established deadlines, preventing many people from moving forward with their lives. We presented strong arguments, backed by data and specific examples of how these delays have negatively affected our clients.

Un grupo de personas en una sala Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza baja

The Demand for Reasonable Waiting Times

A crucial part of our argument was the demand for reasonable waiting times for immigration cases. At Quiroga Law Office, PLLC we understand that each day of waiting can mean a world of difference for those seeking a new start in the United States. Therefore, we asked the court to recognize and rectify the slowness of the system, setting a precedent for faster and more efficient processing.

Impact of Delays on Our Clients

During the hearing, we highlighted poignant stories of clients whose lives have been put on hold due to these delays. Separated families, lost job opportunities, and significant emotional distress are just some of the consequences our clients have faced. These personal stories served to illustrate not just the numbers and statistics, but also the real human impact of this situation.

The Government’s Response

The government defended its position by claiming that the pandemic had created unprecedented operational challenges. However, we argued that, while understandable at the beginning, these reasons are no longer valid, especially when considering that other sectors and agencies have managed to adapt and overcome such challenges.

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The Fight Continues

As we await the court’s verdict, we will continue to advise and support our clients with the same dedication and compassion we have always had. This lawsuit is a significant step in our ongoing effort to ensure that the U.S. immigration system is fair and efficient for everyone.

At Quiroga Law Office, PLLC, we firmly believe in the power of the law to bring about positive change. Our involvement in this case before the 9th Circuit is a testament to our unwavering commitment to our clients and the principles of justice and humanity that guide our work. We will continue to be a voice for those seeking a better future in the United States.

La Lucha de Quiroga Law Office, PLLC en el 9º Circuito: Exigiendo Respuestas por las Demoras en Trámites Migratorios
Detrás de las Cámaras: Mi Viaje Personal en las Entrevistas Televisivas sobre Inmigración
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